Tuesday, July 19

My stomach is making funny noises.

Guess what I'm doing tonight? Can you tell from the picture?

And it's Tea and Tell Tuesday again! And from that title, some of you might already know that I'm drinking my beloved peppermint tea. Why? {some readers might ask} Well, let me tell you:

 Peppermint tea is probably my 2nd best friend after my car {click here if you wonder what the hell I'm talking about} It solves all of my achy breaky stomach problems. {see what I did there? Went all Robbie Ray on you guys.} And because my stomach decided it wanted to talk to me tonight, I decided that it might be a good idea to brew a cup of this delicious goodness. 

I sometimes drink it after dinner too as it helps with digestion. {I think I talked about that here -- p.s. how about that model face? dayum.} 

Anyway, in other news - don't you love that photo up there? I used the ClassicTOY app on my iPad. {I swear I'm not trying to brag... but it's really awesome.} It's amazinggggg and free! It has sooo many different films and is super fun and I highly recommend it. I might carry this thing around and use it all the time instead of a camera. I think it's a good idea... although people might look at me funny... ah well.

Do any of you have this app? And what are you drinking tonight folks?

♥ Kenzie


  1. Sleepytime Extra tea. Because we all know how I never sleep.

  2. So jealous that you have an Ipad. That's pretty much the dream.... These days it's SO SWEATY AND HOT that I've been drinking excess amounts of iced tea. I alternate between green and black. Today is a green day :).

  3. Kirsten - oh we do... I think our 6 am convo proved that of both of us!

    Mal - I am lovinnnn the iced tea too! Like whoa... it's insane how much I drink.
